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9 - 10 June 2025 | Oaks Wellington, Wellington

11 - 12 June 2025 | JW Marriott, Auckland​

Legal & Governance Essentials For School Leaders Auckland

Why attend?

Examining the school leader’s role in 2025, this initiative aims to keep educational leaders well-informed about essential legal and regulatory matters, such as employment regulations, privacy protocols, the well-being of students and staff, communication strategies, technological advancements, and more. It seeks to ensure that leaders in primary, intermediate, and secondary schools stay updated on vital changes in education legislation and have the opportunity to engage with experts.

Featuring the latest updates on

  • Legal responsibilities of the school Principal
  • Health and Safety – and employment law updates
  • Reasonable use of physical restraint
  • Looking at your staff wellbeing
  • Managing disagreements with whanau
  • Managing privacy and ethic – CCCTV
  • Addressing Te Tiriti
  • Rethinking Discipline in Schools and adopting technology

Venue - Auckland

JW Marriott, Auckland
22-26 Albert Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010

Venue - Wellington

Oaks Wellington Hotel
89 Courtenay Place, Te Aro, Wellington 6011



Registration and Coffee


Welcoming remarks from the Chair


Empowering school leaders: Key legal and policy updates for effective governance

  • Reviewing recent policy changes, compliance requirements, and their impact on school operations

  • Exploring best practices for decision-making, accountability, and transparency in school leadership

  • ·Analysing real-world governance challenges and learning from past legal cases in education


From principles to practice: A deep dive into the teacher’s code of conduct

  • Exploring Key Principles – Reviewing professionalism, integrity, respect, and their impact on school culture

  • Understanding the processes for reporting and addressing breaches of the Code

  • Discussing the strategies for embedding the Code into daily school operations

  • Highlighting the importance of engaging staff in ongoing professional development and reflection

  • Collaborating on strategies to reinforce adherence and enhance professional conduct


Morning break


Employment law in schools: Key legal considerations for hiring, retention, and workplace rights

  • Understanding Employment law in hiring

  • Legal Framework: Key legislation & compliance requirements

  • Equal employment opportunity & anti-discrimination laws

  • Understanding staff retention & workplace rights

  • Understanding employment agreements & workplace policies

  • Overview of workplace health & safety laws in schools

  • Discussing fair pay, leave entitlements, and flexible work arrangements

AKL:  Gretchen Stone, Partner, Harrison Stone

WLG: Fiona McMillan, Partner, Lane Neave


Ensuring quality teaching: Legal frameworks and best practices for addressing performance challenges

  • Legal obligations for maintaining high teaching standards 

  •  Identifying underperformance: Compliance with employment laws and due process

  • Legal considerations for performance management and improvement plans

  • Navigating teacher dismissal: Legal obligations, compliance requirements, and risks

  • Highlighting the importance of structured performance management plans

  •  The role of meaningful support, coaching, and professional development

  •  Discussing how to address performance concerns before escalation

WLG:    Jessica Higgins, Senior Associate, Anderson Lloyd

AKL:    Rebecca Laney, Associate, Anderson Lloyd


Privacy challenges in schools: Addressing risks and ensuring compliance

  • Identifying common privacy challenges faced by schools in managing student, staff, and parent data

  • Addressing technology risks and strategies to mitigate it

  • Understanding the legal requirements under the Privacy Act 2020 and other relevant regulations

  • Explore practical strategies to mitigate risks and ensure compliance with privacy laws

  • Establishing a proactive approach to fostering a culture of privacy awareness within schools

Both Cities Fi McMillan, Special Counsel, Anderson Lloyd




Safeguarding in practice: Implementing child protection laws in NZ schools

  • Understanding New Zealand’s child protection laws and how they apply in schools

  • Learning best practices for implementing safeguarding policies effectively

  • Developing strategies for identifying, responding to, and reporting child protection concerns

  • Building a child-safe school culture that prioritizes student well-being

AKL:   Megan West, Child Matters           

WLG: Tina Budd, Founder, See the Signs


Social media boundaries: Addressing student misconduct within and beyond the school grounds

  • Understanding the blurred lines between in-school and out-of-school social media behaviour

  • Identifying common issues and reviewing real-world cases where student social media misconduct outside of school impacted the school environment

  • Examining the extent of school authority over student behaviour outside school hours

  • Understanding duty of care when social media harm occurs outside school but affects student well-being

 Both Cities: Arran Hunt, Partner, McVeagh Fleming


Supporting students with special needs: Strategies, resources, and funding in New Zealand schools

  • Understanding the legal and policy framework for supporting students with needs in New Zealand

  • Implementing effective strategies for creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment

  • Explore available funding sources, where to apply, and how to access resources for special education

  •  Identifying challenges in integrating special needs education in schools and exploring effective strategies for overcoming them

Both Cities : Brooke Trenwith, Director, Potential to Performance


Afternoon Break


Online harm in schools: Policies, prevention, and proactive action

  • Understanding the types of online harm affecting students and its impact on their well-being

  • Discussing how to develop and implement robust policies to address online harm

  • Exploring prevention strategies to create a safe digital environment in schools

  • Identifying proactive actions to respond effectively to incidents of online harm

  • Equipping teachers to recognize signs of online harm and how to respond effectively

Both Cities: TBC- Net Safe


Panel Discussion: Shaping a thriving school culture: The Principals’ role in staff and student well-being

  • Understanding the principal’s role in shaping a positive school culture

  • Learning effective strategies to support staff and student well-being

  •  Discussing leadership habits that foster a thriving school environment

  • Practical tools and strategies to improve engagement, morale, and inclusivity

AKL:             Yolanda Choromanski, Principal,Parakai School 

                    Steve Dunsmore, Principal, Horsham Downs School

                     Patrick Ikiua, Director Professional Practice, New Zealand School Boards Association

                    Tina-Maree Thatcher, Director & Consultant, Cambridge Educational Consulting

                    Simon Craggs, Tumuaki/Principal, Papakura High School

WLG:            Bruce Hart, Governance Advisor,NZ School Boards Association


Summary remarks from the Chair & Networking Drinks


Registration and Coffee


Welcoming remarks from the Chair


Navigating high-stakes disputes: Legal guide to resolving school board conflicts

  • Understanding the legal frameworks governing school board-principal relationships

  • Discussing strategies to address and resolve conflicts while maintaining compliance with legal obligations

  • Exploring best practices for protecting the school’s interests and ensuring fair outcomes

  • Developing proactive approaches to minimize legal risks in principal-board interactions

WLG: Cleave Hay, Statutory Manager


When complaints escalate: Legal strategies for school leaders

  • Understanding the legal frameworks and obligations surrounding escalated complaints

  •  Identifying the types of complaints that may lead to legal challenges (e.g., discrimination, health and safety, staff grievances)

  •  Learning strategies to manage complaints that escalate to legal disputes

  •  Developing proactive measures to prevent and handle complaints effectively while protecting the school’s integrity

 AKL:   Dew James -Powys, Senior Solicitor, Heaney & Partners

           Kathleen Griffiths, Solicitor, Heaney & Partners

 CHC:  Caro Rieger, Director, Black Door Law


Morning break


Bullying in schools: Legal responsibilities and governance strategies for school leaders

  • Understanding bullying and recognising its impact on students, staff, and the school community

  • Reviewing legal obligations, governance policies, and duty of care to ensure compliance with anti-bullying legislation

  • Managing student-to-student bullying and handling complaints through proper investigation and documentation

  • Addressing employee-to-employee and staff-to-student bullying

  • Discussing strategies strengthening school governance

AKL:    Rachel Judge, Partner, Simpson Grierson


Workshop: Leadership in action – practical skills for school leaders

  •  Exploring the evolving role of school leadership in education

  • Learning about different leadership styles and their impact on school culture

  • Discussing the importance of developing self-awareness in leadership approaches

  • Case Study Exercise: Analysing a real-world leadership challenge and developing a response strategy

  • Understanding common conflict scenarios in school leadership

  • Role-Playing Activity: Practicing strategies for handling difficult conversations with staff, parents, or board members

  • Understanding risk management and emergency preparedness in schools

  •  Scenario-Based Group Exercise: Responding to a school-wide crisis (e.g., student safety issue, media scrutiny, staff misconduct)

  • Discussing techniques for leading and managing change in schools

Both Cities:   Cherie Chu-Fuluifaga, Associate Professor- School of Education,  Victoria University of Wellington


Adapting to curriculum change: Strategies for navigating shifts in New Zealand education

  • Understanding the key curriculum changes in New Zealand education and their implications for schools

  • Exploring strategies for successfully implementing curriculum shifts while supporting teachers and students

  • Developing a structured approach to integrating new curriculum elements into teaching and learning

  • Identifying challenges in curriculum adaptation and discovering proactive solutions to address them

Both Cities: Michael Johnston, Senior Fellow, NZ Initiative


Lunch Break


Legal considerations when engaging with the media: What school leaders must know

  • Recognising the rights and responsibilities of school leaders in media interactions

  • Understanding defamation, privacy laws, and the legal risks of public statements

  • Identifying when legal counsel should be involved in media responses

  • Discussing how to handle sensitive issues, including student incidents, employment matters, and public complaints

  • Understanding privacy rights for students, staff, and parents in media interactions

Both Cities: Mary Lambie, Director, Socius Media


Ensuring safety inside schools and during educational trips: Effective health & safety strategies

  • Understanding the importance of creating a culture of safety in schools and during educational trips

  • Learn strategies for implementing effective health and safety measures

  •  Exploring best practices for planning and managing safety during educational trips

  • Developing proactive approaches to risk assessment and emergency preparedness 

  •  Discussing case studies and learning from real-world incidents

WLG:    Alyn Higgins, Barrister & Solicitor, Ath Consulting


From discipline to resolution: Ensuring fair and legal processes for student expulsions

  •  Understanding the legal framework and procedural requirements for student expulsions in New Zealand

  • Understanding how to balance disciplinary measures with fairness and student rights

  •  Exploring best practices for handling severe student misconduct while following legal and ethical guidelines

  •  Developing strategies for minimizing expulsions through early intervention and restorative practices

Both Cities: Grant Fletcher, Barrister


Summary remarks from the Chair & end of conference



A step-by-step legal and governance guide for NZ school leaders – When to act and when to seek legal expertise

Understanding the legal and governance framework in NZ education
Importance of effective complaint management in schools
Understanding types of complaints in schools (student, parent, staff, community)
Differentiating between minor concerns and serious complaints
The role of policies and procedures in managing complaints
Key legal obligations and responsibilities of school leaders
Understanding step by step complaint resolution framework
– Initial Response & Acknowledgment
– Investigation & Documentation
– Resolution & Decision-Making

Managing high risk situations and identifying red flags for escalation
Handling aggressive or persistent complainants
Managing social media complaints and public scrutiny
Recognising legal risks and governance issues and understanding when to seek legal advice
Understanding the role of the school board and external legal advisors

FACILITATED BY: Fi McMillan, Special Counsel, Anderson Lloyd


End of Workshop 

Speakers - Wellington

Bruce Hart

Governance Advisor
NZ School Boards Association
I have had a career in education as a teacher, senior leader and latterly as a long-serving high school principal.  During this time, I served on many school boards, as a staff representative, elected parent rep and for six years as a presiding member. I have also represented secondary principals on a diverse range of advisory and reference groups including NZQA, The NZ Police and Education Partnership and various Ministry of Education reference and consultation groups including special education. My current role is to lead the Advisory Support Centre at Te Whakaroputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa – NZ School Boards Association providing governance and employment advice to schools throughout the country. I am a passionate believer in self-managing schools and community-based board members.

Alyn Higgins

Barrister & Solicitor
Ath Consulting

Michael Johnston

Senior Fellow
NZ Initiative
Dr Michael Johnston is a Senior Fellow at the New Zealand Initiative. He leads the workstream on education. Prior to his time at the Initiative, Dr Johnston held academic positions at Victoria University of Wellington from 2011-2022. From 2020 until 2022 he was the Associate Dean (Academic) in the University’s Faculty of Education. Prior to his time at Victoria, Dr Johnston was the Senior Statistician at the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, a position he held for 6 years. Before that, he was a lecturer in psychology at the University Melbourne and a Research Fellow at Latrobe University. Dr Johnston holds a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Melbourne.

Cherie Chu-Fuluifaga

Associate Professor- School of Education
Victoria University of Wellington
In 2024, Cherie was awarded the Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit and a nominee in the Education section for the 2023 Wellingtonian of the Year. Cherie, a distinguished senior lecturer and scholar, is deeply invested in research areas such as mentoring, human development, identity, cultural change, and leadership within Pasifika and indigenous contexts. In 2000, she founded the highly successful mentoring program for Humanities and Commerce at Victoria University of Wellington. For over 20 years, she has been dedicated to providing leadership training to Pasifika students and various communities at Victoria University of Wellington. By establishing and nurturing valuable connections with Pasifika students and staff in tertiary education, Cherie convenes a leadership network and cluster group specifically tailored for Pasifika students. Her expertise and reputation have afforded her the opportunity to represent her field at national, regional, and international forums, speaking on leader development for emerging Pasifika leaders. Furthermore, Cherie has led leadership development programs for university students and communities throughout the Pasifika region. Her impressive track record includes leading research projects for esteemed organizations such as Ako Aotearoa, NZCER, and the Ministry of Education. Additionally, she has designed cultural training and education programs for a wide range of professionals, including judges, lawyers, optometrists, midwives, doctors, educators, teachers, youth workers, academics, and students.As a highly esteemed Phd and Masters supervisor, Cherie is widely sought after by students across New Zealand for her exceptional expertise in and empathetic approach to supervision. Her transformative research approach not only inspires students but also contributes greatly to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in their respective fields.

Brooke Trenwith

Potential to Performance

Tina Budd

See the Signs

Fi McMillan

Special Counsel
Anderson Lloyd

Jessica Higgins

Senior Associate
Anderson Lloyd

Speakers - Auckland

Simon Craggs, Tumuaki/Principal, Papakura High School

Papakura High School

Tina-Maree Thatcher

Director & Consultant
Cambridge Educational Consulting

Patrick Ikiua

Director Professional Practice
New Zealand School Boards Association
Patrick Ikiua is the National Director of Professional Practice at Te Whakaroputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa – New Zealand School Boards Association. In this role, he oversees the development of best-practice governance and employment advisory services for school boards in the compulsory schooling sector. His team includes the Advisory and Support Centre, usually the first point of contact for principals and board members seeking assistance. He holds degrees in commerce and law from Auckland University and postgraduate qualifications in Financial Securities and Strategic Projects. He has practiced as a banking lawyer and corporate legal counsel in NZ and internationally. With an enjoyment for learning and teaching Patrick has held lectureships as adjunct faculty in commercial and contract law.

Michael Johnston

Senior Fellow
NZ Initiative
Dr Michael Johnston is a Senior Fellow at the New Zealand Initiative. He leads the workstream on education. Prior to his time at the Initiative, Dr Johnston held academic positions at Victoria University of Wellington from 2011-2022. From 2020 until 2022 he was the Associate Dean (Academic) in the University’s Faculty of Education. Prior to his time at Victoria, Dr Johnston was the Senior Statistician at the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, a position he held for 6 years. Before that, he was a lecturer in psychology at the University Melbourne and a Research Fellow at Latrobe University. Dr Johnston holds a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Melbourne.

Steve Dunsmore

Horsham Downs School

Yolanda Choromanski

Parakai School

Brooke Trenwith

Potential to Performance

Megan West

National Services Manager
Child Matters
Megan is a qualified and registered social worker. Prior to coming to Child Matters in 2019, Megan worked at Oranga Tamariki for a number of years where she held the roles of social worker and then Specialist Child Witness Interviewer, which included progressing to a National Assessor and co-trainer for Child Witness Interviewing. More recently she worked as a social work supervisor for Oranga Tamariki. Megan also has experience working as a social worker on the paediatric ward at Waikato Hospital. As the National Services Manager, Megan is responsible for leading a team of Child Protection Consultants and for the delivery of the child protection trainings, consultancy and policy advisory services. She is also a member of the Waikato Child, Youth Mortality Review Group. Megan is also the Chair of the Hamilton Oranga Tamariki Care and Protection Resource Panel.

Fi McMillan

Special Counsel
Anderson Lloyd

Rebecca Laney

Anderson Lloyd

Gretchen Stone

Harrison Stone
Gretchen Stone is a highly experienced employment and education lawyer.  She advises secondary principals through the Secondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand and is the Honorary Solicitor for Auckland Primary Principals’ Association.  Gretchen has extensive experience advising Principals and Boards in all areas of law within the education sector including student discipline, health and safety, teacher competence and discipline, governance, OIA and privacy requests, and parent complaints.


Sponsors to be announced

Gold Sponsor

Umbrella Wellbeing

Silver sponsors

Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing


Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing

Umbrella Wellbeing

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Separately Bookable Workshop
in Auckland on 12 June - 3.15 p.m - 6.00 p.m


A step-by-step legal and governance guide for NZ school leaders – when to act and when to seek legal expertise

Learning Objectives:

Understanding the legal and governance framework in NZ education

Importance of effective complaint management in schools

Understanding types of complaints in schools (student, parent, staff, community)

Differentiating between minor concerns and serious complaints

The role of policies and procedures in managing complaints

Key legal obligations and responsibilities of school leaders

Understanding step by step complaint resolution framework

– Initial Response & Acknowledgment
– Investigation & Documentation
– Resolution & Decision-Making

Managing high risk situations and identifying red flags for escalation

Handling aggressive or persistent complainants

Managing social media complaints and public scrutiny

Recognising legal risks and governance issues and understanding when to seek legal advice

Understanding the role of the school board and external legal advisors

Workshop Facilitator: Fi McMillan, Special Counsel, Anderson Lloyd

Fi McMillan

Special Counsel

Anderson Lloyd

Fi specialises in employment and education law. Her career started in the education sector, including teaching at primary schools in Otago and the United Kingdom, and completing a Post Graduate Diploma in Child Advocacy before moving into law. Her teaching experience means she can provide practical advice to education sector clients.

Fi is the legal advisor to the New Zealand Principals’ “Principals Advice and Support Scheme,” working with school principals across New Zealand. She has also worked on a Secondary school Board, and on the Board of a University Residential College.

Two conferences, Wellington [9-10 June] & Auckland [11-12 June]

Take advantage of the Pre-Sale Price, saving up to $500. Available until 31st March.

Individual Tickets - WELLINGTON


$ 1199 +gst
  • Available until 31 March 2025 OR until 40 tickets sold, whichever occurs first. For valid ticket, payment by 31 March 2025.

Super Saver

$ 1399 +gst
  • Available until 11 April 2025 OR until 40 tickets sold, whichever occurs first. For valid ticket, payment by 11 April 2025.

Early Bird

$ 1499 +gst
  • Available until 21 May 2025. For valid ticket, payment by 21 May 2025.


Full Price

$ 1699 +gst
  • For valid ticket, payment by 09 June 2025.



Group/Team of 3

$ 1200 Price Per Person +gst
  • Must be from same organisation and book at the same time. For valid tickets, register by 9 June 2025.

Group/Team of 5

$ 1100 Price Per Person +gst
  • Must be from same organisation and book at the same time. For valid tickets, register by 9 June 2025.

Individual Tickets - AUCKLAND


$ 1199 +gst
  • Available until 31 March 2025 OR until 40 tickets sold, whichever occurs first. For valid ticket, payment by 31 March 2025.

Super Saver

$ 1399 +gst
  • Available until 11 April 2025 OR until 40 tickets sold, whichever occurs first. For valid ticket, payment by 11 April 2025.

Early Bird

$ 1499 +gst
  • Available until 21 May 2025. For valid ticket, payment by 21 May 2025.


Full Price

$ 1699 +gst
  • For valid ticket, payment by 11 June 2025.



Group/Team of 3

$ 1200 Price Per Person +gst
  • Must be from same organisation and book at the same time. For valid tickets, register by 11 June 2025.

Group/Team of 5

$ 1100 Price Per Person +gst
  • Must be from same organisation and book at the same time. For valid tickets, register by 11 June 2025.

Conference Bundle

Finance and Accounting Bundle:
Management Accountant Conference & IFRS Masterclass

$ 1999 +gst
  • Same person must attend both events. For valid ticket, payment by 26 February 2025.

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