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The ultimate event to get you up to speed on the recent trends in everything health and safety

Health & Safety Leaders' Summit

26 - 27 March 2025 | Due Drop Events Centre, Auckland

From management to leadership:
The critical edge to build a safer and healthier workplace

Safety at the crossroads: Creating safe work in a dynamic landscape

About the Summit

2025 marks 10 years since the enactment of the Health and Safety at Work Act. With a current review into the Act underway and WorkSafe New Zealand undergoing refreshing its structure, strategy and operating model, health and safety in New Zealand is at a crossroad.

We are in the middle of one of the most important and consequential periods for health and safety in New Zealand in recent memory. Which makes it crucial to understand how to progress your organisation’s safety agenda in an environment where compliance, best practice and innovation is constantly evolving.

The 2025 New Zealand Health & Safety Leaders’ Summit programme has been curated to address these trends and more. Over two days, we’ll explore the changing safety landscape, and the new and emerging knowledge areas and skill domains required of safety leaders.

We have brought a range of talented local and international speakers together to share their knowledge, passion and experience into practice. The Summit will be an fantastic opportunity to connect with others in the profession meeting similar challenges with passion, purpose and innovation.

We look forward to welcoming you to the summit.

Day 1

The first day will explore a number of themes, including the changing nature of compliance, the evolving legislative and regulatory environment, and will explore how existing ideas around safety measurement, compliance and leadership may need to be challenged to continue to be fit for purpose.

Day 2

The second day will take a more practical approach. You’ll be hearing from health, safety and wellbeing practitioners who have put a range of innovative ideas into practice, including psychosocial risk, decluttering safety, learning teams and more. We’ll also be exploring the skills, competences and knowledge areas needed for safety professionals to continue to be influential and effective.

Key themes

  • Effective safety leadership & governance 
  • Worker participation and involvement 
  • Psychosocial risk management 
  • HOP & Learning Teams 

Have you ever asked yourself what the difference in management and leadership is?

Here is a simple explanation:


You’re focus is primarily on day-to-day operations and achieving short-term goals. As a manger, you ensure tasks are completed efficiently, processes are followed, and deadlines are met. You are concerned with things like resource allocation, control, and performance.


You’re focusing on long-term visions and lasting impact. As a leader, you inspire and motivate others to achieve a common goal that goes beyond immediate results. Your legacy is built on the positive change you’ve create for your team, your organisation, and potentially even beyond. You leave people feeling empowered, inspired, and with a sense of purpose.

Let's get you moved from a management mindset to leadership legacy.

Transform yourself to be an expert, innovator and visionary at the Health & Safety Leaders’ Summit 2025. So, you can not only achieve your goals but have a lasting impact!

Join a community of forward-thinking leaders and uncover next-generation strategies and insights to enhance the workplace safety and wellbeing landscape.

What is going to await you:

This summit is not just about keeping up with the pace; it is about shaping your and everyone else’s future.
  • Disruptive insights: Explore cutting-edge advancements for safety solutions, predictive analytics for wellbeing, and the rise of the human-centric workplace
  • Future-proof strategies: Gain actionable insight to navigate emerging trends, adapt to a changing workforce, and thrive in the years ahead
  • Collaborative inspiration: Network with leaders and industry peers, share best practice, and co-create a future where wellbeing and safety are seamlessly integrated

Empower your choice: Craft your perfect conference experience

Day 1 of this summit will provide you with everything you need to know to excel your health & safety leadership!

Day 2 is designed by you. We have two streams and you can decide for each session, which topic is the most relevant to your practice that allows you to drive change.

Choose between:

  • Health & Wellbeing at work
  • Innovation & Technology in health and safety

Who will be there?

Take a sneak peak: Who will be there?

This summit is your chance to network with industry and occupational leaders and peers that share your passion for health & safety

CT105 - Industries Pie Chart
Job functions
CT105 - Job titles Donut Chart


The location and how you can get there


Due Drop Events Centre
770 Great South Road, Wiri, Manukau 2104


Work In Progress…. We’re currently working on our 2025 agenda

Download the 2024 brochure to get a sneak peak of what might await you next year!


Registration and Coffee


Mihi whakatau


Welcoming remarks from the Chairs


International Keynote: Where compliance meets innovation

Compliance with rules and requirements is difficult to achieve and costly. Consequently, it can be tempting for organisations to either willfully non-comply, or perhaps more insidiously, ‘surface comply’ by doing the minimum to appear compliant to outsiders. The opposite it ‘deep compliance’, where organisations meet with the spirit (not just the wording) of regulation. Through explaining and differentiating different types of compliance, as well as showcasing a compliance maturity model, Tristan will showcase where compliance meets innovation.

Dr Tristan Casey, Director, New View Safety (AUS) 


Worksafe Address: Delivering the plan

Over the last 12 months WorkSafe New Zealand refreshed its strategy, functional model and operating plan to more effectively undertake its role as an efficient, effective regulator. In this session, WorkSafe New Zealand’s new Chief Executive will outline their approach to delivering on its operating plan.

Sharon Thompson, Chief Executive, WorkSafe New Zealand 


Morning tea


Panel discussion: Unlocking organisational performance through good health & safety governance

The Institute of Directors and WorkSafe New Zealand recently released new guidance material for directors and officers, focusing on refreshed safety governance principles and a clear vision of what ‘good’ looks like. This panel explores the guide and advises how safety professionals can drive better safety governance in their organisation.

Chris Jones, Director Global Health, Safety & Wellbeing, Fonterra 

Craig Marriott, Principal, Craig Marriott Consulting 

Peter Reidy, CEO, KiwiRail 

Marie Wisker, Partner, Chapman Tripp 


International Keynote: Safety leadership reconsidered

Traditional safety leadership models promote the leader as a hero: leading by example as an advocate for good safety practices. But is this model effective in complex, dynamic environments? This session proposes an alternative safety leadership model - one of the leader as host. Host leaders convene people and knowledge across disparate locations, and are defined by curiosity, connectivity and a belief in people as the solution rather than the problem to be solved.

Daniel Hummerdal, Director, Safety Innovation & Leadership, Southpac Group (AUS)


Harnessing AI to Close Safety Gaps and Strengthen Safety Culture

AI is transforming health and safety, not by replacing humans, but by enhancing engagement, improving data quality, and empowering better decision-making at every level. This session explores real-world AI applications that remove common barriers to safety participation—such as literacy, language, and process complexity—while equipping leaders with instant, data-driven insights. Discover how AI can help create a proactive, engaged safety culture where every worker plays a role in driving safer outcomes.

Manuel Seidel, CEO, ecoPortal




Ministerial address

Hon Brooke van Velden, Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety 


Driving influence, understanding and trust through context 

The core of a safety professional’s success is their ability to communicate and influence across audiences - from the front line to the board room. But to do that effectively requires an understanding of the contexts of those environments and the individuals working in them. This session will show how you can build influence and effectiveness through a focus on context.

Jono Brent, Director, In Your Corner


Table reflection: Compliance, simplicity and assurance: how can organisations achieve all three?


Afternoon break


Health and safety legal roundup

The last 12 months have seen a number of developments in the legislative framework governing health and safety in New Zealand, as well as plenty of action in the courts. Join us as we cover the latest in law, regulation and enforcement.

Grant Nicholson, Partner, Anthony Harper 


International Keynote: Random Noise: Measuring Your Company's Safety Performance

The old adage suggests that what gets measured gets managed. But what if you’re measuring the wrong things? How can the pursuit of safety through rigid metrics and surveillance lead to 'manufactured insecurity ' eroding trust, autonomy, and professionalism? We end day one by looking at the role that metrics and measurement play in driving behaviours - be they safe or unsafe!

Georgina Poole, Health and Safety Leadership Partner, Coca-Cola Europacific partners and Author, ‘Random Noise: Measuring Your Company's Safety Performance’ (AUS) 


Summary remarks from the Chair & Networking Drinks


Welcome from the Chairs


International Keynote: Piecing the puzzle together to drive psychological health & safety

Workplace wellbeing, mental health and psychological health and safety are interlinked concepts that create safer, healthier work. This session aims to foster a greater understanding of the critical role that employers have in shaping psychologically healthy and safe cultures that can help prevent mental harm and promote wellbeing.

  • How health, safety, wellbeing and work are fundamentally interlinked

  • Wellbeing as a shared responsibility between HR, H&S and leaders

  • Approaching wellbeing like safety

  • Practical challenges and opportunities

Leora Hornstein, Wellbeing Specialist, Cenovus Energy (Canada)


Understanding the psychosocial hierarchy of controls

The hierarchy of controls for physical safety can be adapted to address psychosocial risks. This allows health and safety professionals to better design work and implement the most appropriate controls for the work factors that might be causing harm. This session shows you how to evaluate the right controls along with examples of it being done in practice.

Gareth Beck, Safety, Wellbeing & Risk Business Partner – Customer, Z Energy 


Bringing psychosocial safety and physical safety together

Psychosocial safety is often discussed in isolation from physical health and safety. Contradicting this, there are psychosocial contributors to many, if not most, health and safety near-misses and incidents. This session will discuss the stress pathway, how psychosocial stress can lead to mental and physical harm when frequent, prolonged or severe, and how a focus on psychosocial safety can create a safety culture that is enduring, holistic and health protective.

Dr Dougal Sutherland, Principal Psychologist, Umbrella Wellbeing


Morning tea



When people are the solution: harnessing the power of WEPR

If we empower workers to be active participants in the creation of safe, healthy work, we get buy-in, performance and engagement. Air New Zealand trialled the use of Safety Scrums for their HSRs to get quick, inclusive buy-in and solutions for emerging safety issues. Rachel Moon will share what worked, what didn't, and how to grow and maintain HSR engagement. 

Rachel Moon, Senior Manager People Safety Business Partnering, Air New Zealand 


Learning teams in practice: making it work

The success of a learning-team approach to investigations is in the detail - by building trust and psychological safety into the process. Hear presenters from Auckland Council on how they successfully used learning teams across Auckland Council – not just post-investigation, but to proactively improve work.

Rebecca Abbott, Head of Health, Safety & Wellbeing, Auckland Council

Yvette McGibbon, Hauora Wellbeing Manager, Auckland Council
Wendy Ellis,
HSW Business Partner, Auckland Council
Randolph Martinez,
HSW Business Partner, Auckland Council


Wellington City Council’s multi-layered approaches to workplace wellbeing 

We know that making a real difference in worker wellbeing goes far beyond the fruit bowl and gym memberships. Mel Fawcett will take us through Wellington City Council’s approach to workplace wellbeing, encompassing te ao Māori, leadership capability, measurement, inclusion, and an individualised employee wellbeing offering.

Mel Fawcett, Principal Advisor - Culture, Inclusion and Engagement, Wellington City Council 


Tackling violent and aggressive behaviour in New Zealand workplaces: Prevention, community, and business responsibility

Violent and aggressive behaviour (VAB) in workplaces is a growing concern across New Zealand, affecting industries from retail to public services. This session will provide fresh insights into how organisations can move beyond compliance and take a proactive stance in preventing workplace aggression, improving staff wellbeing, and ultimately enhancing customer and community interactions.

  • Understanding the drivers of workplace aggression – What are the emerging trends, and how are they evolving?

  • Shifting from reaction to prevention – Moving beyond security measures and resilience training to proactive interventions.

  • Business and government roles – How organisations and councils can collaborate to create safer public and retail spaces.

  • Scalable solutions for different workplace environments – From large retailers to smaller businesses, what measures can realistically be adopted?

  • Case studies and real-world examples – Learn from initiatives such as the Ambassador Program, which takes a community-focused approach to reducing incidents before they escalate.

Ben Evans, Director of Product Marketing and Customer, HSI Donesafe

Selena Armstrong, CEO, ShopCare
Rebecca Abbott, 
Head of Health, Safety & Wellbeing, Auckland Council 
Yvette McGibbon, 
Wellbeing Manager, Auckland Council




Decluttering Safety: making safety work actually work!  

Do all our health and safety policies, SMSs, JSAs actually make workers safer in practice? Or is all that effort spent creating paperwork and processes for nothing? Understand how much safety work is clutter, what makes a difference, what’s a necessary evil and how you can spend your effort in the areas that will make the biggest difference to your people.

Riaan Pretorius, Head of EHS, Building Products Division, Fletcher Building
Andre van Pletzen, Head of EHS, Concrete Division, Fletcher Building
Amanda Bensilum, EHS Co-ordinator, Fletcher Building


Table reflection: What are the areas in which you’ve been able to redesign elements of work or eliminate physical or psychological risks? 


Afternoon tea


Cultural Intelligence (CQ): The underutilised tool in the safety leader’s toolkit

Building cultural intelligence is an effective way for health and safety professionals to engage diverse worker groups more effectively. People from different backgrounds may work, communicate, make decisions and assess risk very differently - and safety professionals should consider this in how they interact with others.

Greg Dearsly, Director, First4Safety 

Jane Fowles, People & Culture Officer, Dairy Holdings 

Afele Paea, National Health & Safety Manager, Te Roopu Taurima 

Michelle Wu, President, Asian Business Health Safety & Environment Network


Closing Panel: The 2030 health and safety leader: how will our skills and talents need to continue to evolve?

The past ten years have seen health and safety leaders require a much broader portfolio of skills to succeed, from governance and leadership, to wellbeing, to a deeper understanding of work design. With legislative, technological and economic factors impacting workplaces, how will the profession need to continue to adapt in order to keep our people healthy and safe?  

Oliver Bones, Principal – Safety, Health Environment and Wellbeing Business Partner, AECOM 

Vanessa Matakatea, National Lead, H&S Risk & Engagement, Te Whatu Ora 

Natalee Scripps-Hawkins, Safety, Health & Wellbeing Manager – Assurance, Programs & Systems, Woolworths New Zealand 


Closing remarks from the Chair and end of Summit


View the Agenda tab to download the brochure and explore which experts presented in 2024

2025 Speakers will be announced soon! 


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Hon Brooke van Velden

Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety
Hon Brooke van Velden is the Minister of Internal Affairs and for Workplace Relations and Safety. Brooke left the private sector to work behind the scenes in Parliament to help pass the End of Life Choice Act. Qualified in international trade and economics, Brooke has also been a factory worker and corporate affairs consultant. She was elected to Parliament as an ACT Party MP in 2020, returning as MP for Tāmaki in 2023.

Chris Jones

Director Global Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Chris is Director Global Health, Safety & Wellbeing at Fonterra and a Steering Committee member of New Zealand’s General Manager Safety Forum. Chris was project chair and subject matter expert contributor to the development of the Institute of Directors’ and WorkSafe New Zealand’s 2024 ‘Health and Safety Governance Good Practice Guide‘, and is a regular speaker at national and international health, safety and wellbeing conferences.   Before Fonterra, Chris spent six years as Chief Safety & Wellbeing Officer for the Department of Corrections. He has also held senior leadership roles in WorkSafe New Zealand, Network Rail (the UK’s railway infrastructure management company), and Nuffield Health (one of the UK’s largest health and wellbeing service providers).

Craig Marriott

Craig Marriott Consulting
Craig has over 30 years’ experience managing safety in high-hazard industries. From nuclear submarines and highly radioactive waste, to high-pressure gas pipelines and oil rigs, he has written safety cases and managed safety for some of the world’s most hazardous operations. Craig is a strong advocate of challenging conventional safety thinking and author of the book Challenging the Safety Quo. He is known for bringing a pragmatic approach to translate health and safety management theory into workable solutions. He works with boards, executive teams and senior safety leaders to deliver better health and safety outcomes and was the lead author of Health and Safety Governance: A Good Practice Guideline, jointly published by the Institute of Directors and WorkSafe New Zealand.

Dr Tristan Casey

New View Safety (AUS)
Dr Tristan Casey is a seasoned ‘scientist-practitioner’ who understands how to generate safety science research with practical impact. With a career in workplace health and safety spanning over 15 years, he has consulted nationally and internationally across a diverse range of industries. Dr Casey is an endorsed Organisational Psychologist with two doctoral degrees. His passion is translating abstract/theoretical concepts into practical tools that have measurable impact. Dr Casey is skilled at forming collaborative partnerships between government, industry, and academia.

Sharon Thompson

Chief Executive
WorkSafe New Zealand
Sharon joined WorkSafe New Zealand in October 2024 and is responsible for seeing us into the future and driving the delivery of our strategy and operating plan. Sharon brings extensive experience in driving change and building highly engaged teams to deliver results. Prior to joining WorkSafe, she was Executive Director, Transformation and Operational Delivery at the Financial Markets Authority, where she led the operations and capability functions. Sharon was also Deputy Commissioner, Customer and Compliance Services at Inland Revenue, where she led a nationwide customer-facing and operations team through its business and digital transformation for more than five years. Before these, Sharon held senior roles at ASB and Westpac.

Peter Reidy

Peter Reidy re-joined KiwiRail as Chief Executive in August 2022. He had previously held the same position from 2014 to 2018, before holding the role of CEO Fletcher Construction from 2018-2022. Prior to KiwiRail, Peter was CEO of Downer New Zealand, and then held senior leadership roles with Downer Group in Australia and Singapore, including Board roles on the KeolisDowner Joint Venture operating Yarra Trams in Melbourne, and Gold Coast Light Rail. He has also held senior leadership roles with Todd Energy and Freightways New Zealand. More recently, Peter was Co-Chair of the NZ Government Construction Accord. Peter holds a Bachelor of Commerce from University of Auckland and has completed the CEO programme at Wharton University.

Marie Wisker

Chapman Tripp
Marie advises clients on a wide variety of commercial disputes, specialising in employment law and health and safety. She works with a number of the firm’s key clients, many of whom are large employers. With a broad range of general commercial experience, Marie can provide practical advice relevant to the clients’ commercial objectives. She helps clients manage employment and health and safety risks through compliance advice and training, and has spoken at a number of conferences on both employment and health and safety.

Daniel Hummerdal

Director, Safety Innovation & Leadership
Southpac Group (AUS)
A commercial pilot, turned psychologist, turned safety innovator, Daniel Hummerdal is passionate about finding better ways to unleash the capacity of people to address the challenges that matter. Daniel has worked in a range of high-risk industries such as aviation, construction, and mining. Born in Sweden, raised in Rwanda, studied in France, and after working in the USA and New Zealand, he’s now based in Brisbane, Australia.

Jono Brent

In Your Corner
Following 20 years of executive level leadership experience across utilities and infrastructure organisations, including 10 as CEO in the electricity distribution sector, Jono co-founded In Your Corner – an organisation designed f to: unleash the potential of leaders who aspire to leave a lasting legacy in the organisations and communities they work within. Having led strategic transformation projects across public and private organisations, network ecosystems and local and central government organisations at both a governance and executive level, Jono understands that every person, team and organisation comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Within these unique contexts, Jono knows what it takes to foster collaboration and trust and enable new levels of performance.

Grant Nicholson

Anthony Harper
Grant Nicholson is a partner at Anthony Harper, and widely recognised as one of the leading health and safety lawyers in New Zealand. With nearly 30 years’ legal experience, Grant has been involved in many of New Zealand’s worst workplace disasters, including the Whakaari/White Island volcano eruption and the Pike River mine explosions.   Grant regularly helps clients with health and safety governance and leadership, health and safety management processes, serious incident investigations, and representation during interaction with regulators and the courts. Grant is currently working on a range of cases arising from farming, forestry, infrastructure/construction, tourism, and transportation/logistics incidents.

Georgina Poole

Health and Safety Leadership Partner
Coca-Cola Europacific partners (AUS)
Georgina Poole is an experienced safety leader currently with expertise in Human and Organizational Performance. She has driven impactful safety programs across industries like mining, construction, and energy. Georgina has also enhanced ICAM course content and facilitated national safety training. An accomplished author, her book co-authored with Sidney Dekker Random Noise – Measuring Your Company’s Safety Performance highlights her innovative approach to safety management. Georgina is also the host of the Leading Safely Podcast, currently listened to in over 100 countries globally. Passionate about safety, Georgina enjoys sharing her insights with professionals as a Keynote speaker in various global forums.

Leora Hornstein

Wellbeing Specialist
Cenovus Energy (Canada)
Leora Hornstein is the Well-being Specialist at Cenovus Energy, leading well-being within the organization. Leora is a Registered Nurse, Certified Occupational Health Nurse, and a trained fitness and Yoga instructor. Leora pioneered the conversation around mental health at work, changing perceptions and reducing stigma. She evolved Cenovus’s wellness program into a holistic total health and well-being strategy. She received the 2023 Workplace Well-being Award through the Canadian Positive Psychology Association, is a 2021 Young Women in Energy Award winner and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Industry Recognition Award winner in 2019 and 2020.

Gareth Beck

Safety, Wellbeing & Risk Business Partner – Customer
Z Energy

Rachel Moon

Senior Manager People Safety Business Partnering
Air New Zealand
Rachel has a background in clinical experience as an Occupational and Sports Physiotherapist and has transitioned into Injury Prevention and Management and then a Health, Safety and Wellbeing practitioner. Currently Rachel serves as the Senior Manager People Safety at Air New Zealand leading a team of People Safety Specialists through risk management, Safety in Design, Incident management, assurance activities and overseeing the successful Health and Safety Representative programme and development to global standards and legislative practice. Rachel also co-leads the Air New Zealand Special Assistance Humanitarian Response team responsible for the preparedness and response of any aviation or critical response incident. Positive engagement with employees and stakeholders is a powerful force across many aspects of business. But for those of us working in Health, Safety, Environmental and Wellbeing (HSEW) it’s vital and the only way forward. Rachel will explain how we can optimise worker engagement and representation to harness great innovation to drive continuous improvement in HSEW in a large, complex and diverse organisation.

Rebecca Abbott

Head of Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Auckland Council

As the Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing currently serving at Auckland Council, Becki brings a wealth of experience to her role, having spent three decades in the education sector as a teacher and sports coach and contributing health and safety advice and operational support to the Outdoor Education sector before becoming a full time Health and Safety professional. Becki worked within operations before moving into strategy and governance.

During her time as a Health and Safety professional in the education sector, Becki gained valuable expertise in managing risks associated with a diverse portfolio of risk, schools are like mini cities.

In her current position at Auckland Council, Becki plays a vital role in supporting Managers and Business Partners who support the council’s extensive, complex, diverse risk landscape. The current HSW team use learning teams not only to support inclusive and collaborative learning in post incident investigations but also to identify opportunities for continuous learning.

Aside from her professional achievements, Becki is an active sports and outdoors enthusiast, having represented New Zealand in both cricket and hockey.

Mel Fawcett

Principal Advisor - Culture, Inclusion and Engagement
Wellington City Council 
Mel is the Principal Advisor – Culture, Inclusion, and Engagement at Te Kaunihera o Pōneke (Wellington City Council). She is an experienced organisational development practitioner and registered psychologist. Her passion for all things people drives her to continuously deepen her understanding of human behaviour and how organisations can deliver on their strategic objectives by making changes that positively impact employee experience. In her current role Mel is responsible for implementing WCC’s Inclusion Strategy. Her mahi is dedicated to achieving Wellington City Council’s vision to be a place where all kaimahi feel they belong, can be their best, and thrive.

Greg Dearsly

Greg is a Certified Cultural Intelligence Facilitator with US based CQ Centre. He is exploring the world of cultural intelligence, curating content, and hosting a podcast. In 2025 Greg was accepted into the CQ Centre’s Fellows Programme where he will work with a cohort to further develop the cultural intelligence body of knowledge. He also has a Masters of Advanced Leadership Practices from Massey where his dissertation focussed on cultural intelligence as an indicator of trust between workers and health and safety professionals. This is backed up with an extensive range of experiences related to influencing behaviours around health and safety. His career as a health and safety practitioner spans more than 20 years in both corporate roles and as a consultant working across a range of industries including waste and recycling, civil construction and local & central government. This is further supported by a Graduate Diploma in OHS and the National Certificate in Adult Education. Greg has held roles as President of the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM) and the International Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations (INSHPO) along with serving on the inaugural Governance Group of the Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ). He currently is Chair of Manawatū Samaritans and Deputy Chair of Samaritans NZ.

Jane Fowles

People & Culture Officer
Dairy Holdings
Jane Fowles is People and Culture Officer at Dairy Holdings, a role that is aligned with her vision to be a leading voice for encouraging health, safety, and wellness in the agri-sector. Jane has 20 years’ experience in roles across human resources and health & safety in a variety of organisations and sectors. Jane is a Certified Professional with the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management and is a 2022 Kellogg Rural Scholar. She leads the Agriculture Sector Forum for the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management, is involved with Safer Farms, and holds a variety of community governance roles.

Afele Paea

National Health & Safety Manager
Te Roopu Taurima

Michelle Wu

Asian Business Health Safety & Environment Network
Michelle Wu is the President of the Asian Business Health, Safety, and Environment Network (ABHSEN), where she leads initiatives aimed at elevating health and safety standards across Asian business communities. As a Chartered Health and Safety Professional, Michelle brings extensive experience in the construction and government sectors, with expertise in health and safety assurance, risk and contractor management, and regulatory compliance. She is deeply committed to fostering a proactive safety culture, delivering tailored solutions that address the unique needs of Asian businesses, and driving continuous improvement in workplace safety practices.

Oliver Bones

Principal – Safety, Health Environment and Wellbeing Business Partner
Since transitioning into health and safety in 2018 after a 12-year career as a (proud) scaffolder, Oliver uses his on-the-tools experience to authentically engage with those closest to the risk. A strong advocate for people, Oliver is deeply influenced by the Māori proverb “He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata” (“It is the people, it is the people, it is the people”). He believes that the most meaningful improvements come from collaboration and learning from those closest to the work.

Vanessa Matakatea

NZ Senior Safety Manager
In 2023 Vanessa won the Safeguard NZ Practitioner category in recognition of the significant influence she had on the health and safety practices and outcomes at the Port of Auckland.  She is passionate about enhancing the health and wellbeing of workers, to achieve better safety outcomes through worker engagement and participation, PCBU collaboration, and a focus on organisational culture and relationships.  Vanessa holds a Bachelor of Health Science in Psychology, a Diploma in Business Management, a Nebosh IGC in OSH and a Diploma in Workplace H&S Mgmt.  Having worked in high-risk environments within the telecommunications, construction and port sectors, Vanessa joined the health sector this year with Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora, determined to continue applying her positive influence on the health, safety, and wellbeing of New Zealanders in the workplace.

Natalee Scripps-Hawkins

Safety, Health & Wellbeing Manager – Assurance, Programs & Systems
Woolworths New Zealand
Nat is an experienced people focused leader and a strong change agent that has developed and continues to grow her leadership attributes and skills in Thought Leadership, Coaching, Continuous Improvement, developing and implementing Strategies, Business Planning, Operations Management and People Engagement. Natalee has held senior leadership roles with Auckland International Airport, Firth Industries (part of Fletcher Building) and DB Breweries. She’s currently the Safety, Health & Wellbeing Manager – Assurance, Programs & Systems at Woolworths New Zealand. Nat was also a New Zealand representative cricketeer and author of the book People First, People Always.

Andy Evans

Host - The Circus of Safety
Safety Professional - Metanoia Safety
Andrew Evans is a seasoned risk management guru who brings a wealth of experience and insight.

Brenton Harrison

Host - The Circus of Safety
General Manager Operations - Savory
Brenton Harrison is the main voice of the Circus of Safety, whose enthusiasm and spark keep the videocast engaging.

Desai Link

Host - The Circus of Safety
Group HSE & Risk Manager - Brosnan
Desai Link is a safety practitioner and deep thinker about the logic that underpins work health and safety practice.

Amanda Bensilum

EHS Co-ordinator
Fletcher Building
Amanda spent 8 years as a neonatal intensive care nurse, in the UK and NZ, before getting involved in occupational health and safety and project management. Starting out as a coordinator, she has grown her skills into project management and ISO standards. She has spent the last 18 months supporting Fletcher Building to Declutter their Group and 25 Business Unit management systems in preparation for ISO 45001 certification.

Andre van Pletzen

Head of EHS, Concrete Division
Fletcher Building

Riaan Pretorius

Head of EHS, Building Products Division
Fletcher Building
Riaan Pretorius serves as the Head of Environmental Health and Safety for the Building Products Division at Fletcher Building. With over 20 years of international experience in construction, mining, and manufacturing, he has successfully led EHS teams on major world-class projects for various international clients. Riaan’s background in EHS has enabled him to drive continuous improvement in EHS performance, ensure compliance with regulations, and foster a culture of safety. He is passionate about creating safe and healthy work environments and is committed to upholding the highest standards of environmental stewardship.

Manuel Seidel

Dr. Manuel Seidel is the founder and CEO of ecoPortal,a leading health and safety engagement software company in Australasia. He’s passionate about transforming traditional “tick box” health and safety, sustainability, and risk management systems into modern engagement platforms that add maximum value for their organisations. Equipped with a PhD in engineering, he developed a framework to help organisations effectively implement and improve sustainability and risk management strategies. ecoPortal’s intuitive reporting, management, and analytics technology is built to help organisations boost performance, engage people, reduce risk, and stay compliant.

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This year's event doesn't feature workshops.
Come back next year for additional learning opportunities.

Pre-Conference Workshop:
ICAM Differently: Learning from events

25 March 2025 | 9.00 AM – 4.30 PM

This workshop takes participants through the main principles of Safety Differently, then provide hands-on practical skills to attendees on how they can use these principles in the aftermath of an event.

Learning objectives

  • Understand the different forms of compliance and differentiate them from each other.
  • Identify the factors that influence an organisation’s compliance profile.
  • Self-assess your organisation’s compliance profile.
  • Develop an organisational compliance improvement strategy.

 Workshop outline 

  1. Understanding Human Error – Take a look at human error and how it is symptom, not an outcome of an event.

  2. Data Gathering – Refresh attendees’ knowledge and understanding of the Data Gathering Phase of Investigations and share tangible tools to assist with this process including PEEPO, Learning Conversations and Learning Teams.

  3. Data Organisation and Timelines – Provide alternatives to the traditional sequence of events that will help highlight system/ organisational gaps building better risk mitigation strategies.

  4. Data Analysis – Learn how to sort through evidence and data in a structured and organised manner that helps to build narrative and context.

  5. Building a Learning Organisation – Revisit building effective corrective actions that drive operational learning and help to build engagement and trust with the frontline.

Facilitated by: Georgina Poole

Georgina Poole is an experienced safety leader currently with expertise in Human and Organizational Performance. She has driven impactful safety programs across industries like mining, construction, and energy. Georgina has also enhanced ICAM course content and facilitated national safety training. An accomplished author, her book co-authored with Sidney Dekker Random Noise – Measuring Your Company’s Safety Performance highlights her innovative approach to safety management. Georgina is also the host of the Leading Safely Podcast, currently listened to in over 100 countries globally. Passionate about safety, Georgina enjoys sharing her insights with professionals as a Keynote speaker in various global forums.

Georgina Poole photo

Georgina Poole

Health and Safety Leadership Partner, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners

Author, ‘Random Noise: Measuring Your Company’s Safety Performance’ (AUS)

Post-Conference Workshop:
Innovating within the lines: Where compliance meets innovation

28 March 2025 | 9.00 AM – 4.30 PM

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to a framework that repositions compliance as a more complex and nuanced concept than is typically thought. Through sharing the different types of compliance along with the individual, team, leader, and organisational factors that predict these, Dr Tristan Casey will help you to develop a compliance improvement strategy. Leveraging extensive practical examples drawn from a multi-year research program, this workshop will make the underlying ideas tangible and actionable.

Learning objectives

  • Understand the different forms of compliance and differentiate them from each other.
  • Identify the factors that influence an organisation’s compliance profile.
  • Self-assess your organisation’s compliance profile.
  • Develop an organisational compliance improvement strategy.

 Workshop outline 

  1. Compliance is more than just a ‘yes or no’. In the first module, we will learn about the problems and pitfalls of a simplistic approach to compliance. The evidence supporting a new compliance framework, consisting of surface, deep, and adaptive compliance, will be presented and explored. The different forms of each type of compliance will be explained in depth.

  2. Shifting from surface to deep compliance. Understand the differences between surface and deep compliance, and the factors that can successfully improve deep compliance behaviours.

  3. Innovating within the lines – adaptive compliance. First, we will aim to understand the benefits of adaptive compliance and what it looks like in practice. Next, we will explore the boundaries and limits to adaptive compliance. Finally, we cover the characteristics of a ‘safe to fail’ environment and discover the practices that encourage adaptive compliance.

  4. Putting the ideas into practice. In the final module, participants will be able to self-assess their organisation’s compliance profile, and the various antecedents of deep and adaptive compliance. Dr Casey will provide a compliance improvement strategy template and through collaboration, guide participants to complete a strategy for their own organisations.

Facilitated by: Dr Tristan Casey

Dr Tristan Casey is a seasoned ‘scientist-practitioner’ who understands how to generate safety science research with practical impact. With a career in workplace health and safety spanning over 15 years, he has consulted nationally and internationally across a diverse range of industries. Dr Casey is an endorsed Organisational Psychologist with two doctoral degrees. His passion is translating abstract/theoretical concepts into practical tools that have measurable impact. Dr Casey is skilled at forming collaborative partnerships between government, industry, and academia.

Dr Tristan Casey

Dr Tristan Casey


New View Safety (Australia)


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Umbrella Wellbeing


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TELUS Health

Bodycare NZ



Circus of Safety

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2 for 1 Ticket

$ 1349 per person + gst
  • The price displayed is the effective rate per person, based on a minimum purchase of 2 tickets equaling 1 full price ticket. For valid ticket, payment by 20 December 2024.

Individual Tickets

2 for the price of 1​

$ 1349.50 Per Person+ gst
  • The price displayed is the effective rate per person, based on a minimum purchase of 2 tickets equaling 1 full price ticket. For valid ticket, payment by 20 December 2024.

Super Saver

$ 2299 + gst
  • Available until 24 January 2025 OR until 40 tickets sold, whichever occurs first. For valid ticket, payment by 24 January 2025.

Early Bird

$ 2499 + gst
  • Available until 21 February 2025. For a valid ticket, payment must be made by 21 February 2025.

Full Price

$ 2699 + gst
  • For a valid ticket, payment must be made by 26 March 2025.

Group tickets

Team of 3 - Tickets

$ 1850 per person + gst
  • Must be from same organisation and book at same time. For a valid tickets, payment by 26 March 2025.

Team of 5 - Tickets

$ 1500 per person + gst
  • Must be from same organisation and book at same time. For a valid tickets, payment by 26 March 2025.

Workshop tickets

Workshop Ticket

$ 799 + gst
  • For valid ticket, payment by 25 March 2025.

Workshop Ticket

$ 799 + gst
  • For valid ticket, payment by 27 March 2025.

Registration Conditions

Ticket Terms
All prices are in New Zealand dollars ($NZD)
A surcharge of 2.5% + GST applies to credit card payments on top of the total amount.
To remain valid, Super Saver and Early Bird tickets must be paid by date quoted.
Group ticket options are valid for registrations from the same organisation, booked at the same time.
By selecting any special pricing offer for classes of organisation, sector, or individuals or using any promotion code, you are asserting to the organiser your right to claim any such pricing offer, and acknowledge the organiser’s right to audit such claim and, if in the opinion of the organiser using its sole discretion the conditions for special pricing are not met, reject any registration.

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